
Tulum was one of the most significant Mayan cities of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as it is an essential stopover for the commercial routes of the Mayans in their exploitation of the maritime riches of the coast of (nowadays) Quintana Roo. At its best, Tulum was the nexus between the dynamic maritime and mainland trade routes in the Mayan world. Objects from various regions of the Yucatan Peninsula and Central America were found, and the combination of Maya architecture and central Mexico is evident. Which weighs the importance that this Mayan city had for the trade in the Old Mexico.




Transportación en Autobús de lujo con a/c, guías certificado bilingüe, Trenecito, Entrada a la zona arqueológica, 2 botellitas por persona.


Salidas 07:00 a 08:30 a.m. Regreso al hotel 13:00 hrs. aprox.

Not included:

Alimentos, propinas y el costo adicional por el uso de cámara de video al interior del sitio arqueológico.


Usar ropa y zapatos cómodos, traer una gorra o sombrero, cámara, bloqueador solar, repelente para insectos y dinero extra para gastos personales. Es poco recomendable para personas en silla de ruedas o con problemas para caminar.

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